
Cederquist advises Logistea in the combination with KMC Properties

Cederquist has acted as legal advisor to Logistea AB (publ) in the combination with KMC Properties. Through the transaction, Logistea will acquire all of the operations in the KMC Properties group by payment in newly issued shares in Logistea. The combined company will as a result of the transaction form a leading Nordic logistics, warehouse and light industrial real estate company with strategic focus on long-term growth, financial stability and sustainability.

For further information about the transaction and Logistea, please refer to the company’s website:

Cederquist’s team consisted of Fredrik Lundén, Filip Gyulai, Hanna Lishajko, Kerstin Blomqvist (Public M&A and ECM), William Wall (Private M&A), and Per Henriksson, Camilla Hedner, and Axel Brismar (Banking and Finance).

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